I saw this on the DYNA Kids website. While i'm not a kid, i think this is an excellent way to explain one of my frustrations with POTS. I guess I just like the marble analogy for how hard it is to balance all the things you do in a day and how much more effort everything takes when you have dysautonomia.
"You may have heard of people with illness obtaining balance in life by "learning to live with a limited number of marbles in their jar." Let’s just pretend that you have a jar of marbles at the beginning of each day. In your jar you have 100 marbles. You use 25 marbles to get through your school work. You use 25 marbles in your friendships and relationships. You use another 25 marbles following your physician’s orders. It takes more marbles to perform all the activities necessary to manage your illness. We haven’t even listed the normal activities of daily living that you must do (bathing, cooking, chores, etc.). And well... by the time we get to your emotional needs, you probably have no marbles left to live with!
As time goes on you get tired of living on the edge with those darn marbles. They start rolling away on useless tasks, and next thing you know you have lost your marbles before the day even starts! No pun intended. You need to gather up your marbles and keep count of them and be selective about using them throughout the day. Save some for the party you may want to attend tomorrow or the friend you may want to invite over this weekend. And remember that assignment due on Friday! They are precious marbles you have in your possession – don’t lose them!"