So since we're running out of new ideas to get me feeling better, I'm trying a few changes in my diet. I already don't eat pork, but I'm also cutting out beef and chicken. I'm not becoming a full vegetarian since I will never be able to give up my New Orleans seafood, but I hope that by cutting out the meats that are full of antibiotics I can both help my health, animals, and the environment at the same time. A three birds with one stone effect. I love food, don't get me wrong, but its one thing I can take control of and be more empowered to take a more important role in my health. I've made a second blog about my adventures in foodieism (yes I made that word up). http://caitlinlovestoeat.blogspot.com is the site if anyone cares to see what happens. I'm not sure if anyone here is even reading this blog, but I plan to keep you up to date as to if the new diet helps at all with my dysautonomia or fibromyalgia. I started this blog both as an outlet for myself and to help those who were going through the same thing as me, I hope my mistakes and my successes that I put in here can help others with this disease to help themselves. There is hope out there, we just need to hold onto it and there will be a treatment that works (and maybe even a cure) out there for all of us.
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