I went to New Orleans to visit my family. It was a great, very relaxing visit. Lots of floating in my Nannan's pool and sitting around a table and chatting. One not so surprising benefit of the trip is that all the salty NOLA food raised my BP enough that I didn't need my mitodrine! Unfortunately, since coming back, I have had to go back on it though. The drive to and from NOLA wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. My sister and I split the driving, with her taking the bulk of it. We spread the 26 hour trip into 3 days, with plenty of stops. I made sure that I drank a TON of water and gatorade pouches, ate salty food, and kept my protein up, and it was fine. To those of you with POTS who were like me and afraid to take a road trip, I would suggest you try it, just be prepared. You know your body, you know what it needs, but staying close to home all the time out of fear is no way to live.
On the trip, I discovered that my sunscreen allergy was indeed real, as may be allergies to berries and bananas. I saw an allergist who is doing tests to see. He said that new and worsened allergies are a normal part of dysautonomia since the autonomic nervous system controls it all somehow. Oh good, one more thing to add to the list of malfunctioning parts. :op
After NOLA, we got home to a messy (post trip packing) house that needed to be cleaned for a visit from two relatives. It took us 3 days to make the house clean enough to be acceptable, and then Hurricane Irene decided to hit us. We stocked up on the typical items (batteries, food, water in tupperware containers, flashlights, and prescriptions), and prepared to hunker down through the storm. Needless to say, the relatives who were set to visit didn't make it here, they stayed where they were. In the storm, we lost a tree, and had yard flooding, but were very lucky that nothing worse happened. At one point, the storm was so bad that my mom had us go pack bags for a shelter if we needed to leave. At another point, there was a tornado warning for our area, so we all sat in the basement stairwell with our dog for 45 minutes. It was scary, but nothing horrible.
For 7 weeks now, I've had a sinus infection that won't go away. I've been on 6 weeks of antibiotics, 3 weeks of prednisone, and countless sinus pills. My allergist and GP seem to think it may be a fungal infection, I hope not, that would mean surgery. I have gotten the all clear to go back to work, but not until I get the sinus condition out of the way, so I'm really hoping its going to go away. I have a CT in 2 weeks when I'm done with this round of antibiotics, so we'll see. Crossing my fingers that I can go back to work in October! Wish me luck!
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