This is an interesting little article. I happen to have fibromyalgia in addition to POTS, I found that this site had a number of interesting things for fibro. I do like the "you don't look sick" point it makes. If you let yourself "go" and act the way you feel, no one wants to be around you and they feel uncomfortable if they need to be, however if you put on a brave face and try to act normal, people say "but you don't look sick" and don't understand that you are really having a tough time. I guess life for those of us with chronic invisible illnesses are constantly trying to find a balance between the two.
There is actually a website/online community for people with invisible illnesses too!
I got the Top 10 things not to say to a fibromyalgia patient from another blog. ^.^ I also posted it on one of my entries. - Dee