At first I just got stared at. Then there were some snickers and whispering by kids and teens. I've had my share of stupid questions asked "Are you retarded?," "What's wrong with you?," and "You know you still have your helmet on?" I've had embarrassing moments because I'm wearing the helmet, but they don't matter. What matters is that when I wear it and faint, I don't get a concussion. I've realized what should have been obvious to me in the first place (if not ignored by my own self-consciousness) the way I look today doesn't matter, protecting my head from permanent damage does matter. I guess it just took me time to adjust my way of seeing it, but I feel like I got there. Now when someone asks, instead of being embarrassed, I explain that I have a heart condition that makes me faint and the helmet protects my head. Simple as that is, it both educates them and reminds me why its so important to wear.

Its all about adapting to what you're given and making the best of it.
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