Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On days like today... Coloring is awesome!

Facebook statuses this week... gotta laugh at the bad stuff...

Me: The floor at Costco is very hard and dirty... I know this now from first hand experience... And have the headache to prove it.
Me: (two hours later) And I just passed out again. Thats 6x in 9 days! Whoo!

Me: In the hospital again. If I knew the nurse would be this cute I would've shaved my legs... Maybe brushed my hair... Taken a shower...
Friend: Just wait till the cute nurse comes back to do the EKG and then you'll really cry!
Me: Nope, a girl nurse did the EKG... That reminds me, now I need to go search for all this sticky pads all over me...

Me: Five hours later... And yes. I have a concussion.

So I spent the day in the ER waiting to be told that I have a concussion from my recent POTS episodes. These made me smile today. 

I know it sounds childish, but coloring is awesome!

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