Sunday, June 26, 2011


On days like today, when I had plans to be with friends and have to cancel due to not feeling well, its hard to stay positive. But I just keep reminding myself that it could be worse. Tomorrow is the 26 year anniversary of my adoption. We call it "Family Day." This year we're going to Ocean City, MD for a family beach day to celebrate. Best case scenario, I have a fun filled day on the boardwalk and in the beach with my family and get to pig out on crabs. Worst case scenario, I lie on the beach all day and pig out on crabs anyway. But, a beach day with POTS isn't the same no matter how well it goes. I started hydrating today, need to wear my big floppy hat and slather on way more sunscreen than ever before, and I probably can't go into the water for too long or else my Raynaud's will act up. Again, I need to just stay positive and remind myself of the good things in life on those bad days. Crabs for dinner, beautiful beach views, and time with my family. Those are the things that really count.

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