Friday, November 18, 2011

Topamax and POTS. A bad combination.

Ok, so I went off the Topamax and I'm feeling much better. My cardiologist said that even though orthostatic intolerance is not a listed side effect, medications are not tested on people with POTS and we tend to react differently to them. He also said that some people with POTS are also more sensitive to medications and that medications may work differently in their systems. Meanwhile, my neurologist was telling me to stay on the medication and that passing out is not a side effect. I think this is one of those tough situations where you need to listen to your gut and go with what your body is telling you. Obviously I am not a doctor, and you should always talk to a doctor before starting or changing any meds, but if you feel like something is wrong, tell your doctor. As patients we need to remain active in running our treatment as partners with our doctors.