Monday, December 5, 2011

How to make the drinks you need better...

I don't think I'm alone in this, but as a POTS patient, I am so sick of Ensure, Gatorade, and Ginger Ale. I have however found a few things that make these more palatable.

On days when I am too nauseous to eat, I drink an ensure as a meal. It helps to maintain the nutrition you need, to make hunger go away when you can't eat, and to prevent you from losing weight too fast (which messes with your BP). I only like Chocolate, so thats the only flavor I have done this with, but I mix it with chocolate syrup and or ice cream and make it into a shake. It makes it so much better to drink, and when you are drinking Ensure, you need the extra calories anyway.

Ginger Ale:
Another thing that helps with nausea is Ginger Ale. I add thin slices of ginger root or cranberries to mix it up a bit. The ginger helps the tummy too. There are types out there with extra ginger like, but I am very allergic to honey which is an ingredient.

All POTS people know that gatorade can be both your best friend and your worst enemy. You need to drink it and you get sick from drinking so much of it. After the first three bottles each day, I can barely force the last two down. My newest discovery in food trickery is mixing Gatorade with Sprite. The flavor gets a little more mild and the carbonation makes it taste better (at least to me).
In other news, I have a new bed! Its so soft!
 I figured since I spend so much time in it, I might as well invest in a good one... 

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