Tuesday, July 24, 2012

There's a case for that...

Recently at a service dog training session, it occurred to me that the dogs would be trained to bring me my phone if I asked them to... in their mouth. As disgusting as that sounds, it actually will be very helpful if my phone is on a different floor of my house. The former Apple employee in me was concerned about the potential "water" damage this could cause for the phone, not to mention the potential for drops in the dirt. Ladies and gentlemen of the iPhone persuasion, I have come up with a solution that not only helps with service dogs, but also with POTS fainting in general. Introducing the Life Proof Case. Check out the website. While before POTS I never would've shelled out $80 on a case, with the number of drops mine gets and the need to have it with me rain or shine, this is gonna be invaluable. I hope you like it. http://www.lifeproof.com/the-four-proofs

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